How is my body changing?

  • You should feel your baby move. As he gets bigger, it may feel like he’s rolling around. Tell your provider if you notice any change in how often your baby moves.
  • Your ankles and feet may swell. Try lying down and putting your feet up. If your hands and face swell suddenly, call your health care provider.
  • You may get stretch marks on your belly and breasts as they get bigger.
  • You may have contractions. This is OK, but call your health care provider if you have more than five contractions in 1 hour.
  • As your belly gets bigger, it may get harder to keep your balance. This makes it easier to fall. Be careful!
  • You may have trouble sleeping. Try sleeping on your side or with extra pillows. You also may sweat more than usual.

How is my baby growing?

  • Your baby can open and close her eyes and suck her thumb.
  • Your baby kicks and stretches.
  • Your baby responds to light and sound.
  • By the end of the seventh month, baby is about 38-40cm long and weighs about 1.1-1.4kg.
Source: March of Dimes

Category: Month

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