Does my involvement really make a difference?

Yes! It has been found to result in fewer behavioral problems and better cognitive development for your child. 

A review of 16 longitudinal studies that looked at the impact of father’s presence during childhood found that those children who had an involved father early on have, on average, fewer behavior problems, less criminal activity, better economic stability, better cognitive development, better performance in school and less stress during adulthood (Sarkadi, Kristiansson, Oberklaid, and Bremberg, 2008).

  • Infants with involved fathers have better cognitive functions.
  • Infants with involved fathers more frequently develop into children with high self- esteem who can resolve conflicts without violence.
  • Children with involved fathers generally have fewer behavior problems.
  • Fathers involved in their children's lives are more satisfied and more likely to stay involved.
  • Involved fathers have better health: they take fewer drugs, consume less alcohol, live longer, and feel mentally and physically healthier.
  • Some studies show that fathers involved in caregiving have more satisfying relationships with their partners, feel more connected to their families and report better sex lives with their partner.
  • Involved fathers contribute to reducing maternal stress during pregnancy.
  • Mothers who are accompanied during prenatal visits usually attend more of them, compared to mothers who are not accompanied.
Source: Promundo, CulturaSalud, and REDMAS (2013). Program P – A Manual for Engaging Men in Father- hood, Caregiving, Maternal and Child Health. Promundo: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and Washington, D.C. USA.
Category: For Fathers

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